Wood products can be sensitive and, if not well taken care of, can easily rot. It can be quite confusing to decide how exactly to clean wood furniture. You can dust them, spray and wipe them, or polish them. Which method to use usually depends on the finish of the piece, so the first tip to word furniture would be to always ask for specific care and cleaning guidelines when purchasing it.
Dusting is a very simple way to clean wood furniture and is effective to clean old wood furniture. Frequent dusting removes dust buildup but can also scratch the surface. Make sure to use clean, dry, soft cloths or feather dusters. To avoid scattering the dust into the air, you can dampen the cloth very slightly.
All-purpose cleaning sprays should never be used to clean old wood furniture. In fact, it should only be used when your furniture has a plastic coating, such as the kind used on kitchen tables and children’s furniture. Avoid cleaning wood with water. However, there are times when there’s a sticky spot that needs soap and water. Here’s how to deal with it:
Dip the cloth in mild soap or detergent dissolved in water, wring the cloth nearly dry, and wipe the area. Rinse the area immediately and dry with a clean, soft cloth.
Oil polishes, cleaners, and furniture oils help protect wood by making the surface more slippery. However, they do not give a hard protective layer. You might want to refinish furniture if you want to give it a better protective layer.
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